K19: The Widowmaker (DVD) Inspired by a true story, K19: The Widowmaker follows Captain Alexei Vostrikov (Harrison Ford) who, at the height of the Cold Wa r, is order ed to take over command of the nuclear missile submarine K19, pride of the Soviet Navy. Movie Review of 'K19: The Widowmaker' by Sean Saulsbury. Imagine this: A robber holds up a bank at gunpoint, and halfway through the robbery. Club opel astra el mejor foro para todos los que tienen uno o varios opel astra desde el F hasta el nuevo opel astra k 2015 para los que quieren saber mas, compartir informacin, bricos, ayuda, etc Harrison Ford box office breakdown and upcoming movies. Hieronder staat een lijst van historische films gerangschikt per tijdvak. In deze lijst staat een beperkte selectie van oorlogsfilms, zie hiervoor ook Lijst van oorlogsfilms K19 (K19: The Widowmaker) un film indipendente del 2002 diretto da Kathryn Bigelow, con protagonisti Harrison Ford e Liam Neeson. La pellicola ispirata ai fatti realmente accaduti al sottomarino nucleare russo K19, il primo equipaggiato con missili nucleari balistici, varato nel 1959. L'incidente del K19, ritenuto dall'URSS un fallimento, venne coperto dal segreto militare e. Juni 2010 heiratete er die Schauspielerin Calista Flockhart, mit der er bereits seit 2002 zusammenlebte, in Santa Fe (). Harrison Ford ist bekannt dafr, dass er sein Privatleben seit jeher gegen die ffentlichkeit abschirmt und Hollywoods PartySzene meidet. K19: Le Pige des profondeurs, ou K19: Terreur sous la mer au Qubec (K19: The Widowmaker) est un film de Kathryn Bigelow sorti en 2002 et inspir de faits rels. Zero Dark Thirty is een Amerikaanse thriller uit 2012 onder regie van Kathryn Bigelow. De film won de Oscar voor beste geluidsmontage en was genomineerd voor die voor beste film, beste oorspronkelijke scenario, beste vrouwelijke hoofdrolspeler (Jessica Chastain) en beste montage. Daarnaast won Zero Dark Thirty meer dan vijftig andere prijzen, waaronder een Golden Globe voor beste actrice. A reallife historical incident becomes the basis for this military thriller from director Kathryn Bigelow that's reminiscent of such submarine dramas as Das Boot (1981), The Hunt for Red October. K19: The Widowmaker um filme de 2002, dos gneros drama, suspense e guerra, dirigido por Kathryn Bigelow When Russia's first nuclear submarine malfunctions on its maiden voyage, the crew must race to save the ship and prevent a nuclear disaster. K19: The Widowmaker (BD) Inspired by a true story, K19: The Widowmaker follows Captain Alexei Vostrikov (Harrison Ford) who, at the height of the Cold Wa r, is order ed to take over command of the nuclear missile submarine K19, pride of the Soviet Navy. K19: le pige des profondeurs est un film ralis par Kathryn Bigelow avec Harrison Ford, Liam Neeson. Synopsis: En juin 1961, en pleine Guerre froide, dans les eaux de l'Atlantique nord. 1997 1 724, 747 1998 2 674, 933. Liam John Neeson, OBE (born 7 June 1952) is an actor from Northern Ireland. In 1976, he joined the Lyric Players' Theatre in Belfast for two years. He then acted in the Arthurian film, Excalibur (1981). Between 1982 and 1987, Neeson starred in five films, most notably alongside Mel Gibson and Anthony Hopkins in The Bounty (1984), and Robert De Niro and Jeremy Irons in The Mission (1986). Kathryn Bigelow, Director: The Hurt Locker. A very talented painter, Kathryn spent two years at the San Francisco Art Institute. At 20, she won a scholarship to the Whitney Museum's Independent Study Program. She was given a studio in a former Offtrack Betting building, literally in an old bank vault, where she made art and waited to be critiqued by people like Richard Serra, Robert. 7 iunie 1952, Ballymena, Irlanda de Nord) este un actor nordirlandez care a fost nominalizat dea lungul carierei la Premiile Oscar, Globurile de Aur i BAFTA The African buffalo or Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer) is a large African bovine. Syncerus caffer caffer, the Cape buffalo, is the typical subspecies, and the largest one, found in Southern and East Africa. nanus (African forest buffalo) is the smallest subspecies, common in forest areas of Central and West Africa, while S. brachyceros is in West Africa and S. MEGA provides free cloud storage with convenient and powerful alwayson privacy. K19: K19: The Widowmaker, K19 2002 Il K19 era un sottomarino nucleare sovietico di classe Hotel. Fu il primo sottomarino nucleare sovietico equipaggiato con missili nucleari balistici. La sfortunata serie di incidenti a cui fu soggetto ispirarono il film K19 The Widowmaker (2002). Vasili Alexandrovich Arkhipov (Russian: , IPA: [vsilj lksandrvt arxipf, 30 January 1926 19 August 1998) was a Soviet Navy officer credited with casting the single vote that prevented a Soviet nuclear strike (and, presumably, allout nuclear war) during the Cuban Missile Crisis..